Friday, August 23, 2013

Almost one year???

As we were talking about the fact that D is almost a big one year old, Rory and I noticed that we don't take as many pictures of Deaglan as we used to.  I believe it has something to do with the fact that Deaglan does not just sit still and stare at us and toys anymore.  He is a boy on the go so it's often hard to snap a picture of what he is doing.  I made it a point a few weeks ago to keep my phone handy so I could capture some of his every day activities so you guys could see the day in the life of Deaglan!

He loves playing with blocks and a wooden train that his Grandma Brannan bought for him.  He is also quite obsessed with banging on and eating the trash can.

 Deaglan will often stare at his toys in the basket, pull out every single one, then decide not to play with any of them & just crawl around in hopes that someone is chasing him.  Most days, he'd rather play with the remote, dirt from the plant, dvds, cable box & anything else that is in reach that he is not supposed to touch. Also, he likes going around the house and pointing towards ceiling fans!

At first, he struggled to use his walkers but now he is getting the hang of them!  He also loves to sneak up the stairs when no one is watching.  He cracks up when  you get to the stairs and try to climb after him!

We went to Ocean City with our friends a few weekends ago.  I was so impressed that Deaglan stayed on the blanket to play and didn't really eat the sand!  He loved the airplanes that kept flying over and ever since then he likes to put his hand up in the air and make a noise so I pretend he is imitating a plane.  Deaglan loved having Dublin, their large chocolate lab, around to play with.  He had no fear of the dog and liked chasing him, sharing his toys, and playing in his food bowl.

I also just took him to Richmond for a few days to visit family and friends.  Deaglan loved playing with my cousin's dog.  We are thrilled to see that he does so well with dogs because we really want one.  We are trying to hold off until next summer though to get one....we will see!  Recently, Deaglan also went onto my parent's boat for the first time.  I was worried he wouldn't be able to nap but he dozed off so easily.

So for now, our summer days have been busy.  I've been trying to keep him on the go so he doesn't get bored around the house.  This upcoming week, we are going to take Dealgan to the Maryland State Fair because I know he will love walking around to see all of the sights and sounds.  It is crazy to think that school is almost in session and that almost one year ago this little cutie was born.

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