For about five months now, I have been saying that I wanted to start a blog. I knew I needed to get it started before Deaglan was born because I figured I'd never get it started after he was born. Well, here I am finally three months after he arrived to attempt my first post! I have to thank my brother, Tom, for designing my title graphic. After he created this for me, I knew I was one step closer to getting this thing started.
It's my hope that I can fill family and friends in on Deaglan (without being too annoying), new recipes, my attempts at DIY projects, or any other simple thing going on in our lives. Although I am a teacher, my grammar may not always be the best, so please don't judge! As for my pictures, I am trying to get better with photography but I really just don't have the eye to take really neat photos. But, practice makes perfect, right?
Here is my quick five month summary:
I wanted to make a collage of baby bump pictures to share with everyone. I laughed when I searched my pictures because I hardly had any bump photos. My bump didn't start to show until around 24 weeks or so and even then I felt so tiny up until the day he was born. I think you get so used to having a stomach that you don't realize when it grows. Next baby, I will be sure to take pictures week by week so it's more fun to look back on! Everything with labor and delivery was wonderful. Luckily, he was a good sleeper when he came home for the first six weeks or so, which gave me time to pack our house. Yes, that's right. The day Deaglan was born (he came a week early), we put our house on the market. We were so glad it sold very quickly because Rory was commuting most days to Baltimore for his new job (which he loves :-) ). We said goodbye to Northern Virginia and are now living with my parents in Baltimore until we find a house of our own. At first, the thought of being 26, with a newborn, living at my parents didn't sound ideal. However, it has been nice to have the extra helping hands around the house and I am not lonely during the day. It is great that Deaglan can interact with other people than just me!
Right before Thanksgiving, Deaglan started cooing and talking a lot. Then, the best day, was when I changed his diaper and afterwards he gave me a huge smile! I knew he wasn't gassy since he just had quite the explosion. After that, he started smiling more and more and now it just melts my heart to see him laugh and enjoy his surroundings. He is now 13 weeks old and I can't believe it. Last week he started teething. Not fun! Even though it is cute to watch him grab anything he can and put it in his mouth. On a fun note though, the other day he rolled over from his back to his stomach for the first time. He has only done it twice but nonetheless it is still exciting. He is also finally enjoying tummy time more and more. So for now, our day is filled with looking at his stuffed animal bugs, talking, spitting up, smiling, pooping, spitting up, pooping, sleeping, talking, smiling, pooping, did I mention pooping? I keep waiting for him to start rolling over more but I guess I will still try to enjoy this calm, stationary baby while I can.